FT Capital group provides strategic funding for companies with unique ideas through direct private investments.

Our goal is to make investments that provide both attractive risk-adjusted return potential and diversification from the financial systems and markets risks, all while preserving and enhancing our investor’s wealth. We engage in continuous dialogue and education to best understand client objectives and to improve decision-making.

Our investment philosophy is based on finding ideal projects and companies with the right management in place that need strategic funding to their business to the next level. We have significant experience in investment opportunities where flexible and long-term capital is a differentiating factor. We seek to partner with managers to build businesses and create value while capitalizing on our ability to invest over time without the pressures of a typical fundraising cycle. We also endeavor to be creative in structuring our investments to meet the needs and objectives of our investors. We evaluate long-term economic trends seeking industries that stand to benefit. Within these industries, we identify niche markets that offer competitive advantages and embrace complex situations as a means to uncover hidden value.

FT Capital Group invests in proven management teams with demonstrable track records and compelling business plans. We look for the ability to manage complex companies during periods of rapid growth and a desire to work closely with a value-added partner. Our principals and business partners work in partnership with management teams to address strategic issues including capital allocation and structure, hedging policies and exit alternatives. Capital is advanced as portfolio companies present compelling opportunities and successfully execute their plans.

Marcos Torres

Principal & Founder

Marcos is an seasoned executive and investor with over 10 years of experience with companies in all development stages, from internet startups to publicly traded corporations. In 2014 he founded FT Capital Group to create a meeting point between sophisticated investors and unique projects requiring strategic funding. Prior to founding FT Capital Group, Marcos was Head of Market Intelligence for Pendrell Corporation (NASDAQ:PCO) where he and his team worked on acquisitions of Intellectual Property portfolios in High-Tech. Also worked as Financial Analyst for Edgenuity, a private equity investment by KKR and WeldNorth.

Marcos graduated with a degree in Electrical Engineering from Universidad Metropolitana in Caracas, Venezuela in 2006 and an MBA in Finance from the USC Marshall School of Business in Los Angeles, California with a concentration in Financial Institutions Management and Strategy.